15:00, Mon 17/07: Roger Guimerà (URV, Tarragona): "Machine scientists and the detectability of closed-form mathematical models from data."
16:00, Mon 17/07: Luce Prignano & Emanuele Cozzo (UB, Heuristica.barcelona): Social Experiment.
15:00, Wed 19/07: Rosalba Garcia-Millan (U. of Cambridge / King's College, London): "Active matter, non-reciprocal interactions and entropy production."
15:00, Thu 20/07: Marina Vegué (UPC, Barcelona): "Reducing the dynamics of a large interacting system."
15:00, Mon 24/07: Blai Casals (UB, Barcelona): "Avalanche criticality during ferroic switching."
15:00, Tue 25/07: Sergi Valverde (UPF-CSIC, Barcelona): "Rise and fall of technological innovations."
15:00, Thu 27/07: Dante R. Chialvo (UNSAM/CONICET, Buenos Aires): "Complexity & Criticality: (often) two sides of the same coin."