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Statistical Physics, which was born as an attempt to explain thermodynamic properties of systems from its atomic and molecular components, has evolved into a solid body of knowledge that allows for the understanding of macroscopic collective phenomena. The tools developed by the Statistical Physics together with the Theory of Dynamical Systems are of key importance in the understanding of Complex Systems which are characterized by the emergent and collective phenomena of many interacting units. While the basic body of knowledge of Statistical Physics and Dynamical Systems is well described in textbooks at undergraduate or master level, the applications to open problems in the context of Complex Systems are well beyond the scope of those textbooks. Aiming at bridging this gap the Topical Group on Statistical and Non Linear Physics (GEFENOL)  of the Royal Spanish Physical Society is promoting the Summer School on Statistical Physics of Complex Systems series, open to postgraduates, PhD students and young postdocs world-wide.

Following the spirit and concept of precedent succesful editions (at Palma de Mallorca 2011, 2013, 2014, 2017, 20182022, Benasque 2012, Barcelona 2015, Pamplona 2016 and Santander 2019)  the School will consist of a total of six courses (three courses each week), including five hours of lectures and a hands-on session for each course:

First Week:

Second Week: 


Courses will be taught in English. Participants are required to attend the full duration of the school. Participants are welcomed, and encouraged, to present their research in the format of a flash talk or poster.

The registration fee of 240 euros includes lunches and coffee breaks on working days. Lodging expenses are not included. Recommended arrangements can be browsed here. 

The number of participants is limited. Priority will be given to applications received by May 16.  A few scholarships might be available to early applications upon justified request (please indicate it in the application form as Remarks, special needs and comments).

All courses and seminars, except for hands-on sessions, will be held at classroom V11G of the Faculty of Physics, UB. Location of hands-on sessions will be announced during the course.


For further inquiries please e-mail: 

Follow us in Twitter: @GSummerSchool