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The school will start on the morning of Monday July 17, and will close on the afternoon of Friday July 28, 2023. The school will consist of three plenary lectures before the lunch break. The afternoon sessions will consist on hands-on practices and other activities, including invited seminars and short talks by the participants.

The detailed School schedule can be downloaded in pdf format here

And this is the planning for the short talks.

All courses and seminars will be held at classroom V11G of the Faculty of Physics, University of Barcelona (Martí i Franquès, 1-11, 08028 Barcelona). The room for some hands-on sessions might vary and will be informed during the school.


  • 15:00, Mon 17/07: Roger Guimerà (URV, Tarragona): "Machine scientists and the detectability of closed-form mathematical models from data."
  • 15:00, Wed 19/07: Rosalba Garcia-Millan (U. of Cambridge / King's College, London): "Active matter, non-reciprocal interactions and entropy production."
  • 15:00, Thu 20/07: Marina Vegué (UPC, Barcelona): "Reducing the dynamics of a large interacting system."
  • 15:00, Mon 24/07: Blai Casals (UB, Barcelona): "Avalanche criticality during ferroic switching."
  • 15:00, Tue 25/07: Sergi Valverde (UPF-CSIC, Barcelona): "Rise and fall of technological innovations."
  • 15:00, Thu 27/07: Dante R. Chialvo (UNSAM/CONICET, Buenos Aires): "Complexity & Criticality: (often) two sides of the same coin."
